The Fiddler is a free application that allows you to create and modify your own websites using a WYSIWYG editor that is also called the Flex Editor. This allows you to build your website without having to learn the programming language or having to know a whole lot about HTML or other programming languages. The Fiddler is designed for the Mac platform and as such is compatible with any Mac operating system. To download and use Fiddler you must first have Mac hardware, either a Mac laptop or the Mac version of Windows.
If you are looking for a free download to help you with your website building experience, check out the Fiddler program, it is a great tool that will help you build your site quickly and easily. It is very easy to use and is completely customizable so that you can build any website you want, anywhere you want. When downloading Fiddler you will be provided with a download link for a free download of Fiddler.